
Ah, the iFrame!

"I never had an iPod, an iMac nor an iPhone. But damn Im using the iFrame since ever and I’ll never abandon it!"

"Ah, the iframe. So we meet again. How is it that you’ve managed to survive for so long? Hiding underground for what seems like ages at a time, then suddenly uncoiling to reveal yourself and striking the unsuspecting Web developer from out of nowhere?"

Here I was ripping hair outta head, Googling for a workaround to fix a sticky iframe border for (surprise!) Internet Explorer, the nightmare-browser of any developer. I could spend lines cursing that browser-wannabe, but thats not the point here (the community is already doing a great job on it!).

So I found that bolded quotation upthere, at the Stuntbox Blog. It hits me right away.

Do you believe in a love at first sight? Ringo Starr would say "yes Im certain that it happens all the time", and he was right. I felt in love with the iframe ten years ago when I first saw it. The possibilities are endless. A squarebox in the middle of anything, with absolutely anyshitthing you want inside it!

I always kinda hated using frameset in my webpages, but the iframe is a totally different thing. Throw it inside a DIV and there you go floating free.

The curious thing is that the iframe has always been sort of an underground trick. It was just not popular and I've always asked myself, why people just don't use it? what is wrong with it that I dont know? All the innerHTML and complex workarounds... feels like screaming "hey, use the IFRAME, stupid!".

Lately, I was afraid that the iframe was about to be exterminated. It would be labeled as 'deprecated', 'non-standard', 'not-DOM-compliant' (beware of the DOM-nazis coming up folks...). I would certainly build a funeral site for our helpful, shy little ifriend: the iframe. With the words "in his simplicity, he was misunderstood".

But hey, seems that he is finnally showing his face to the world, and coming back in full strength, out of the underground to get his deserved place in the standards.

I never had an iPod, an iMac nor an iPhone. But damn Im using the iFrame since ever and I’ll never abandon it! And now, the world will see I was right.

Long life to the iframe! GO FRAMIE, GO!

(yes, my blogmates, I know pensatta isnt about development, and yes, it was intentionally wrote in engish. Oh, and by the way: to have control over the frame border in IE, by javascript, use the so called 'camelCase' myframe.frameBorder (with capital "B").
As said at Stuntbox: 'All this despite the fact that the very same attribute is all lower case when in it’s in the markup. Sure. Makes perfect sense to me'.

Heh. It is a really nice post, if you like the matter, you should read it. It is always nice to see how does each person curses the IE... ;)

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